Iced Matcha Latte Starbucks Recipe: A Refreshing Green Treat

Being an enthusiast of flavors and unique beverages, for myself it was a very captivating experience when Starbucks started selling their iced matcha latte. Being that I self-identify with my love for matcha, it was only natural that I couldn’t keep myself away from this wonderful green infusion, and I am so thrilled that I tried it. I will take you through the process of preparing a delicious, chilling iced matcha latte from scratch using the Starbucks version as a reference. It will include not only the recipe but also the nutrition profile and my own experience of drinking the healthiest beverage in the world. So keep up with me for Iced Matcha Latte Starbucks Recipe

Iced Matcha Latte Starbucks Recipe: A Refreshing Green Treat

What is Matcha?

Now, right before we begin the recipe, let’s first learn what matcha is. Matcha is a very fine powder taken from specially cultivated tea and the leaves processed under strict quality control. In matcha instead of regular green tea war leaves are steeped water and discarded whole leaf consumed in powder form in green tea matcha. This form of green tea already contains concentrated green extract that not only provides a vibrant green color along with the powerful antioxidants but that brings one of unique and appetizing grassy flavor profiles.

The Starbucks Iced Matcha Latte Experience

On a hot summer day, with the iced frappuccino from Starbucks being one of the most refreshing things to a person. I took my first step towards the coffee shop, which was tightly packed with people on a Saturday, and the entire space was filled with the familiar smell of freshly grounded coffee beans and baked goods. However, I only cared about the emerald coloured drink which I had tested out the previous day.

I sat down and put my order in front of the counter and a welcoming barista began working on my iced matcha latte when I got to the counter. When I am completely unsure of everything with them they present the matcha powder to the hot water and with ease they show me how to make a smooth jade green paste. It is also important at this stage since the powder is dissipated and the full flavor of the matcha is felt.

Following that, they mixed the paste of matcha with milk and only a few spoons of sugar, giving it a smooth appearance and a taste that was predominantly green. The pairing with milk softens the astringent profile of the wasabi whilst also lending to the green tea a sense of luxurious indulgence.

The latte was prepared with a special attention to detail, the barista making sure that each sip was deliciously frozen and fresh as each drop was poured over the cup filled with ice. I couldn’t help but fall in love with the drink right at the moment I saw it through the glass cup: the vivid green hue in fascinating contrast with a delicate layer of milk foam that topped it, making the drink so beautiful and hard to resist.

I clutched my iced matcha latte in one hand whilst scanning for a perfect comfy spot near the window, and from that point, I get to take the first sip. I watened the slide of the liquid cream on my tongue and felt it carried me to harmony of the sweetness and grassiness flavours soothesly. The umami taste of matcha was exquisite not that it has bitter or overpowering points but rather played its unique notes to be distinct.

Indefinitely, I enjoyed every sip and the whole feeling of serenity came in a wave. Fashions the green matcha latte from being iced and to a japanese tea garden that I imagine to be the place where tea is loved and worshiped.

Iced Matcha Latte Starbucks Recipe: A Refreshing Green Treat

Nutritional Information and Pricing

While indulging in a delicious iced matcha latte is a treat, it’s also important to be mindful of the nutritional information and pricing. Here’s a handy table that breaks down the details for Starbucks’ iced matcha latte:

Drink SizeCaloriesCaffeine (mg)Price
Tall (12 fl oz)12070$3.95
Grande (16 fl oz)17095$4.45
Venti (24 fl oz)260140$4.95

As you can see, the iced matcha latte from Starbucks is a relatively low-calorie beverage, especially when compared to some of their other indulgent offerings. The caffeine content is also moderate, making it a great pick-me-up without causing jitters or a crash later on.

It’s important to note that these nutritional values can vary slightly depending on the type of milk used (e.g., non-fat, whole, or plant-based alternatives) and any additional customizations or toppings added.

Iced Matcha Latte Starbucks Recipe

Now, for those of you who want to recreate this delightful beverage at home, here’s a simple iced matcha latte Starbucks recipe:


  • 1 tsp matcha powder
  • 1-2 tsp hot water
  • 1 cup milk of your choice (dairy, almond, oat, etc.)
  • 1-2 tbsp simple syrup or sweetener of your choice (optional)
  • Ice cubes


  • Mixing the matcha powder with 1 to 2 tsp of hot water into a small bowl or a matcha whisk will serve to create a smooth consistency. Using whisk, whiz vigorously until you get a smooth and uniform consistency.
  • Using a different pitcher or mason jar for consistency and taste, mix both the milk and simple syrup. Stir or shake before consuming.
  • Next step is adding matcha paste into milk mixture, whisking or shaking all over until frothier mixture is obtained.
  • Place ice cubes in a glass mug, and pour the air conditioned matcha latte on top of the ice crystals.
  • Alternatively, top your smoothie with matcha powder or whipped cream, if desired.

That’s it! You can now pat yourself on the shoulder you have yourself some delicious homemade Starbucks matcha latte, that rivals one from the store. Do not be afraid of playing with the type and the amount of matcha powder and sweeteners to get your acclaimed taste.

Iced Matcha Latte Starbucks Recipe: A Refreshing Green Treat


In conclusion, Starbucks’ iced matcha latte is a refreshing and unique beverage that combines the rich, grassy flavor of matcha with the creamy smoothness of milk. Whether you indulge in this green treat at your local Starbucks or recreate it at home, it’s sure to become a new favorite. So, next time you’re in the mood for something different, give the iced matcha latte a try – your taste buds (and Instagram feed) will thank you!


  1. What is matcha? 

Matcha is a finely ground powder made from specially grown and processed green tea leaves. Unlike regular green tea where the leaves are steeped and discarded, with matcha you consume the entire nutrient-rich leaf in powder form.

  1. How many calories are in a Starbucks iced matcha latte? 

The calorie count for a Starbucks iced matcha latte varies by size:

  • Tall (12 fl oz): 120 calories
  • Grande (16 fl oz): 170 calories
  • Venti (24 fl oz): 260 calories
  1. Is there caffeine in the Starbucks iced matcha latte? 

Yes, the Starbucks iced matcha latte contains caffeine from the matcha powder. The caffeine content is:

  • Tall: 70mg
  • Grande: 95mg
  • Venti: 140mg
  1. How much does a Starbucks iced matcha latte cost? 

The pricing for a Starbucks iced matcha latte is:

  • Tall: $3.95
  • Grande: $4.45
  • Venti: $4.95 Prices may vary slightly by location.

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